
This bridge is located at the corner of Madlasandnes, and it is very popular for people that like to walk along the sea. It was built in 2016. We went and took a picture and there were loads of people there, even though it was in the middle of the day.


This is an old farm just right above my house. It’s very old so no one is using it, but I thought it was a little bit cool because it’s so old and I think it’s a cool building.

Visby perimeter defense

A summer not too many years ago, my family and I traveled to Visby, Gotland in Sweden. Whilst we were there I got to see the Visby perimeter defense. I was completely flabbergasted by the amazing architecture and the magnificent building along with the beautiful nature around it.





Broken Chain

Today I went to Kvernevik where I visited the monument Broken Chain.

Broken Chain is a memorial for the 123 persons that died in the oil rig Alexander Kielland accident in 1980. Actually, it was 40 years ago on the 27. March this year.



This is a beautiful colorfull fence. The fence is loaceted in the kindergardend close to Rema 1000 on Sunde.  It is very nice to look at and it is extremely facinating too. The painter has used many different “happy” colours wich make the children happy to look at.

It a beautiful time

Finally, I go outside!!!!, I have stayed home for 2 weeks and finally I go out!! I will post this picture on my Instagram and I will tag architecture. I felt very good!, so peaceful, I just sit under the tree and it felt very good.

This post is week 14



Architecture in the neighborhood

So I went for a walk, and then I suddenly passed this house. This house was very unique in relation to the other houses around it. This is much newer then the other ones, and you can clearly see the large glass windows. 





Germany vs Norway – Architecture

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Since I moved from Germany to Norway, I can’t help but notice some differences between where I used to live and where I live now. It may be the difference between city and village, but it could also be a difference between the countries in general. You maybe wouldn’t think so, but Norway seems way more modern to me. Even the colors of the houses are different. Here, many houses are white, while where we used to live many houses had a darker color.