This is Nyats face when she is sad. She always looks like this when her crush rejects her.

This is Andrea she makes me very happy every time I am with her. She makes me laugh no matter what.

Happiness – My dog, Senja!


One of the things that bring the most joy into my life is my dog, Senja. Also just dogs and animals in general 🙂 She is an absolutely gorgeous dog, and I love her with all my heart.❤️ There’s also a saying which is “Treasure the small things in life,” and that saying is putting words to what she does for me everyday. She does small things that makes me exceptionally happy and I’m excessively grateful for having her in my life.



My family and my friends make me happy. They mean a lot to me. Whenever I am surrounded by them I always end up in a good mood.


This picture makes me so happy! It reminds me of this concert which I went to last summer. Me and my friends were in front of the stage and this singer took a picture with us and posted it on his instagram.


Dance brings me heaps of happiness. It’s the most wonderful thing I know. I have friends for life at dance! We spend so much time together, it’s like we’re one big family. I could ramble about dance for so long, but I am going to quit writing now so that I don’t end up writing 500 words.

Energy – waves

There’s energy in this picture because the waves are made from wind energy. The sea here looks really nice, but unfortunately, it’s super cold.

Energy – Planes

Here’s a picture from a plane ride. I can’t remember when this was, but the sky was at least magnificent and stunning to look at. An average plane uses about 1 gallon of fuel EVERY SECOND! (Which is approximately 4 liters!) In other words, it takes a lot of energy to hold up a plane. Not only does the fuel have to give power to the engine, the plane also causes a lot of moving air during the process to hold itself up! The wings are mainly to make use of the moving air, and to lift the plane of the ground.