17. may

Yesterday it was May 17th, and I did a lot of different things. First I was at Live with som friends and ate breakfast, and that was very cozy. Later that day I went to my grandma and grandpa and have lunch with my family. In the evening I went out with some friends from the swimming. It was also very fun

Hermine and Amalie

These are my best friends, Hermine and Amalie. I love them very much, and I am so happy to have them in my life. Every time I see them, i get happy inside. During this period I don’t see them as much as I would like to, and I think it’s very really stupid. When I am with them, we have a lot of fun, and enjoy it alot. We always finds lots of fun to do, and it’s never boring when I am with them. They are always there for me, and I don’t know what I would do without them.


Something that makes me very sad is plastic in the nature. I think that it’s very stupid that humans throw plastic into the nature.


Happiness for me is something that makes me happy, which is why I have chosen candy. Candy makes me happy inside. When I take a bit of for example a chocolate, it melts on my tongue. 


The nature around here where I live is very nice. In Norway the nature is much different then the nature in for example, Africa. In Norway the nature is lush, while in Africa it is very dry. From my house I can see sea, trees, grass and flowers.











Architecture in the neighborhood

So I went for a walk, and then I suddenly passed this house. This house was very unique in relation to the other houses around it. This is much newer then the other ones, and you can clearly see the large glass windows.