
As you all know, spring is here, and I wanted to share this picture with you😁 I took this when I was doing the task we got on 14th of April, and I really liked it. Lucky me got to catch a picture with a sign that spring is here! Bumble bees are super pretty, at least I think so😊🐝 They are a bit scary though, because they can sting… I’ve never gotten stung by a bumble bee, but I’ve been stung by a bee. One of my friends got stung by a bumble bee once. That made her leg start to swell around the sting, and it didn’t look good at all.😬

Sadness – rain

I was supposed to take a picture of rain on my window,

but “sadly” it didn’t rain today. So I simply had

to use a picture I found on the internet. Rain makes

me sad because it often makes us not want to go

outside. I really like being outside and going for

walks, that’s why rain makes me sad.


Happiness – My dog, Senja!


One of the things that bring the most joy into my life is my dog, Senja. Also just dogs and animals in general 🙂 She is an absolutely gorgeous dog, and I love her with all my heart.❤️ There’s also a saying which is “Treasure the small things in life,” and that saying is putting words to what she does for me everyday. She does small things that makes me exceptionally happy and I’m excessively grateful for having her in my life.


Energy – Planes

Here’s a picture from a plane ride. I can’t remember when this was, but the sky was at least magnificent and stunning to look at. An average plane uses about 1 gallon of fuel EVERY SECOND! (Which is approximately 4 liters!) In other words, it takes a lot of energy to hold up a plane. Not only does the fuel have to give power to the engine, the plane also causes a lot of moving air during the process to hold itself up! The wings are mainly to make use of the moving air, and to lift the plane of the ground.

Visby perimeter defense

A summer not too many years ago, my family and I traveled to Visby, Gotland in Sweden. Whilst we were there I got to see the Visby perimeter defense. I was completely flabbergasted by the amazing architecture and the magnificent building along with the beautiful nature around it.